Hello, Escort Girl Community! We are Jade and Jodi from Porn. Welcome to our first blog as ESCORTS GIRL saleswomen. We wrote this article in collaboration with our trusted and loyal friend, Sacher, who is a buyer of this site. We have known each other for about a year since we became members of ESCORTS GIRL and quickly became good friends. Mr. Sacher was one of our first buyers and has been a regular customer since we invaded his inbox with our strap-ons. This was an embarrassing mistake for us, but Sacher didn’t complain. This lesson was helpful because it highlighted the dangers of multitasking when simultaneously chatting with multiple potential buyers.
In this blog, we will focus on topics that interest both experienced and new sellers of ESCORTS GIRL. How to stand out as a seller in your photos, product listings, and posts without seeing his face or vagina on the dashboard, and what we can all do to attract buyers and make sales. In this blog, I will transfer some ideas on developing what is known in the business world as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). I will examine the significance of comprehending your market, which is the key to successful sales.
Decision as a New Seller
When we started our ESCORTS GIRL as Porn journey, we were not sure if we would be successful. I think most new sellers have the same feeling when joining a site. The challenge for us was that there were and still are red lines that could deter some buyers. We decided from the beginning that we would not show our faces – anonymity is important to us because of our work – and we also agreed that we would not show our vaginas. We’re not shy or inhibited but prefer to confine our intimacy to the bedroom and bathroom. We show our bodies in the videos and photos we sell but avoid explicit content.
We know that many sellers expose their bodies and offer explicit content, but we don’t. So, how can you compete if you think you’re at a disadvantage? This is where your unique selling point and a good market understanding come into play. We’ll explain this in more detail later, but if you want to target and work with the right buyers, you must build a relationship with them and foster mutual respect. If you do, you’ll have ample opportunities for success and buyer satisfaction. We know we can’t compete with sellers who offer explicit content, but we offer twice the fun and twice the perversion. This is our unique selling point. We aim to make long-term connections with our buyers to continue a mutually fulfilling kinky journey. If you don’t know what that means, please discuss it. Or we’ll write an article about it in a future blog.
What is a USP?
So, what does a USP mean? A unique selling point makes your profile and offers stand out and tells buyers what makes you attractive. In the world of business strategy, this is called differentiation – making your product or service different and more appealing than your competitors. A unique selling point could be the best quality, the lowest price, the fastest response time, or the best customer service. Or maybe you specialize in a fetish or preference that other sellers don’t offer. These are just examples because your unique selling point should be unique. What do you offer that other vendors accomplished? Is it something buyers want? If you can’t quickly identify your unique selling point, it will be hard to convince ESCORTS GIRL buyers to buy from you, and they may move on to your competitors instead. Does it matter? Yes, because every lost sale is a lost customer, and every lost customer is a missed opportunity to build a connection with a buyer, leading to repeat business. Repeat customers spend more money; that’s true, and customer loyalty is important because it makes it easier to sell to them. They are the “money cow” of multiple successful companies. Market analysis also involves checking out your competition and looking for gaps in the market. Have you found a product or service that buyers want but no one is selling? Doing a little research before you start listing your development or assistance can save you a ton of trouble and make you a more successful seller in the long run.
Finally, let’s consider how to stand out in the crowd of escort girls. Be brave and welcome what makes you different and special. This is as much a part of your unique selling point as all the marketing tips above. Embracing what you offer will make the experience more enjoyable and unusual for you and your buyer. Be genuine and honest with your buyers. In our experience, honesty always pays off. Some buyers will pass you by, but others will stop because there is a good fit between you, your unique selling points, and their wants, needs, and preferences. If necessary, offer advice and recommend other sellers who can better serve buyers’ needs than you can. They may be your competitors, but you can still help each other. Be original, have fun with what you do, and don’t be afraid to be kinky in your way.