When your profession requires you to look good, always be in tip-top shape, and charm and seduce the man in front of you, a gentle, perfectly groomed, and impeccable female companion is very important.
A flawless and silky smooth female companion is very stimulating for most men, which is why women in the female escort industry are always looking for new ways to avoid scars or hide existing ones.
Of course, scars add to our charm and personality, and there is no reason to hide them. The issue of hiding scars also affects those who feel insecure when they are with their female partners because of their scars.
So, if you are happy with your scars and feel that it does not affect your work as a top female escort, there is nothing wrong with them. You should embrace your scars and keep them as part of your beauty.
How to avoid scarring
Good hygiene is the first step. Wash the area with soap and water to keep it clean and germ-free.
Keep the area moist. Use petroleum jelly to prevent the wound from drying and keep it moist.
Cover the wound with a bandage to keep it free of germs and bacteria, and change the bandage daily. After the scar has healed, avoid exposure to sunlight and use sunscreen to prevent discoloration of the scar.
Green Concealer for Red Scars
Hide red scars with green concealer. Although it is temporary, it is effective and safe when quick coverage is required. There is also the option of laser treatment, but if the redness is not widespread, it can be dealt with using a concealer.
Spots to be Treated with Medications
For dark brown scars, applying topical medications can reduce the cosmetic problem. This medicine for brown spots has a whitening effect and contains hydroquinone as its main active ingredient. However, be aware that excessive or prolonged use of this whitening medicine may cause your female escort to darken even more.
Scars or keloids. How do I treat them?
When you are injured, your body produces too much collagen during the healing process, so Some individuals are more likely to develop keloids or hypertrophic scars. A dermatologist can treat these keloids and scars by injecting the scar with a substance that smooths the scar. Another option is using silicone to apply pressure to the scar during healing.
More invasive methods to treat visible scars by blending them with the female escort color are laser resurfacing, microneedling, and dermabrasion. However, these treatments are temporary and must be done regularly.
Whatever “flaws” you have – keloids, age spots, red scars – the most important thing is to feel good and comfortable in your female escort. Makeup is beautiful and confident. If you are attractive and assured, however, if these scars make you feel less confident, try the suggestions above or speak to a dermatologist about a more individualized treatment.