Most erotic messages develop a personal style for their encounters. Some prepare in advance with a certain mindset that suits each client. Some prepare baths for their clients, play sexy music, and light candles and incense. They strive to create the right decor and atmosphere for the perfect romantic setting to impress and relax their clients.
However, things can get repetitive for you and your loyal clients. Of course, many will appreciate this pleasant routine because it is nothing like what they are used to in their daily lives. Conversely, you don’t want your customers to get so used to your services that they think they are in a relationship. Constantly diversify your erotic massage appointments and make your clients feel pampered and cared for. The best thing is that you will not get tired yet, and you will create a good image of yourself among your customers.
So here are some ideas for enjoying your dates!
Write an erotic message on your site – an introduction to something sexy, then ask your customers and/or readers to fill in the rest of the story with their version via email. Who knows what sex ideas they will give you? Some of them might even book you to try out this fantasy!
Collect all the erotic messages you can find and write down your favorite texts. Whisper one, two, or three in your clients’ ears during your time together, and make your dirty talk creative and diverse.
Share a part of your erotic massage. Most clients enjoy giving pleasure to their friends as much as they enjoy receiving it. Most people enjoy giving, so if a particular client wants to fulfill your fantasies, it’s a win-win situation!
Read erotic books and try to copy your erotic massage. Books will give you everything: from the kind words to say to the decoration and clothes you need. The more specific you can be, the better!
If you are multilingual, teach your clients some erotic massage techniques. This lighthearted discussion topic is perfect for new clients who are shy about opening up with you. Focusing their attention on a subject like this can help them forget how uncomfortable they were just minutes ago.
Finally, try to maintain some communication with your clients after your meeting. Send them a nice email or text message explaining how much you enjoyed your date and how you hope to do it again. Add an erotic massage where you drink coffee in your underwear (pictured) or lie on the bed you left the day before.
Remember that all the little details are important and are what customers remember best in the long run. Loyal and satisfied customers are all you need to succeed in this industry!