A man’s biggest problem is testosterone, and women who act and dress like “prostitutes” are probably his biggest weakness. So why do men need “prostitutes”? That’s because you can offer him pornmatica sex without any regrets. You know, he feels incredibly guilty, so his testosterone causes an endless sexual desire. Furthermore, he is paranoid that the naked blog girl he respects and loves will judge his animalist. Especially in this regard, women tend to be proud. To make matters worse, they often use pornmatica sexuality to control man’s greatest weakness: desire. When pornmatica stars on popular nude blogs make themselves look “sexy,” it contributes not only to pride but also to a special kind of pride called moral superiority.
That is, they love to control men’s weak flaws, and then turn around and say, “Aren’t men just bad?”, “Men are those dogs,” etc. We humans secretly love the feeling that our morals are moral. Other people. So why do men love such completely useless fakes as high heels, makeup, “fake breasts”, piercings in the navel and nose, false eyelashes, and false nails? Ironically, it’s because men feel so guilty about their animal nature (testosterone, desire). This guilt colored and distorted their consciousness so much that they no longer understood how to “read” women. The man is a popular nude blog AV actress. In other words, they don’t know if women want pornmatica sex. Or they don’t understand what tastes and types of pornmatica sex women want when they want it, how much, etc. This area can be very confusing. Add to this the well-known fact that naked blogging girls often intentionally send “mixed signals” and tend to be generally inconsistent and full of internal conflicts.
The same applies here. As men, we often cannot say when (or if) our wives want to have sex with pornmatica. False nails, fake nails, lace panties, super short skirts, cologne, high heels, hair dyed “bleach blonde” and even wigs give us unmistakable signals of where we’re going. am sending. So we don’t want “prostitutes” that much. But we need women who want and enjoy their sexuality.
Women who are “sleeping” (i.e., ignorant and inconsiderate women) selfishly and sexually “get” “attention” (i.e., attention, approval, and most importantly, manipulative power) from men. She’s wearing sexy clothes. They tend to overdo it. They are overdressed and look shabby. Anyway, guys want to have sex on Pornmatica. Because there’s no guilt (she needs it). But they don’t want a relationship with such naked blog girls because they think they can’t be trusted.
A “conscious prostitute”, on the other hand, is someone who has self-awareness and self-respect, and who understands that men are innocently programmed to respond positively to “wrong things” like nails and eyelashes. , that’s why I give these to my husband. It’s a gift, but not for most people.