Escort clubs have a very bad reputation. We have all seen the posts of buyers and sellers complaining about escort clubs and wondering why this happened and asking the rest of the community what they did wrong. Or we find comments on posts that we can’t see, or a red ribbon at the bottom of their profile that says you’ve been to an escort club or been visited by this person. I too have experienced that “hurt” feeling that comes when you realize that someone you thought was fine has been visited.
It doesn’t have to be personal, or even negative. What if we questioned our perception of escort clubs and used it as a way to control our feed for our emotional well-being?
The Obvious
In my opinion, this is the most common “reason” for harassing other members. Unfortunately, some members continue to message you when you ask them not to, pressure you to buy or sell something you don’t want, or make similar comments on all of your posts. Maybe they seem creepy to you. Maybe they keep lurking on your page and leave it as read when you try to interact with them. Uy (Remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation when it comes to protecting yourself and your mental health. “No” is a complete sentence. Your safety and health are paramount.)
Look, I know imitation is a kind of flattery or something. It hurts me to see someone use a graphic or idea I created or copy and paste my post or description. I love the creativity of ATW as much as any other component, so it’s very unpleasant that someone would steal my work. Some of the sellers I’ve spoken to have apologized and removed their (my!) products at my request, which is the best-case scenario. However, you can prevent someone from accessing your page (or make your page private) to minimize copying.
It’s not you, it’s me!
What we don’t want to see varies from person to person, but I think everyone has some things they don’t want to see when they log in. There are some things you don’t want to see here!
An Escort Club
Please note that the Escort Club is not permanent. Often you can change your mind and go to “An Escort Club” without anyone realizing it. The connections we make here can be deep and meaningful, which can pose some pretty unique challenges. Whatever you decide, manage your feed to keep ATW fun, sexy, and wholesome.
If you find out someone has cheated on you, that’s okay too. It might hurt a little but don’t worry about it. If you’re happy with your behavior and you’re not breaking any rules (or laws!), just assume it’s because the other person is suffering from their “affairs.” One person doesn’t determine your success.