As many of you here may already know, I am a transgender girl. I love transgender girls. You may be wondering what this is about, but I’m here to help you understand it better.
First of all, this is not a story about real animals.
Transgender girls have been around for a lot longer than many of you may think, and it wasn’t always about sex or BDSM. The explosion of the Internet has made it much easier to find puppies, Ts girls, and more. Different sites come and go over time, but new ones are constantly popping up so more people can learn about Ts girls.
So how does this work? Well, first of all, Ts girls. They can be anything from dogs, cats, ponies to mythical animals. Trans girls take on the role of an animal they identify with, in my case a dog. They take on the traits and behaviors of that animal. Depending on how deep their headspace goes, experienced trans girls can enter a deep, meditative state where it’s difficult to engage in conversation. In this state, they can bark, whine, meow, or do anything their animal self would do. Many tools can help with this preference, for example, in my case a puppyhood, a tail (butt or belt), paws instead of hands, a collar with a lead, or even a dog toy. Some owners prefer to feed their TS girls from a bowl. Overall, various items can help make your TS girls as realistic as possible.
It is common to call only TS girls strays. Now let’s look at TS girls who are not TS girls. These are usually called owners, handlers, or trainers. The owner is the person that TS girls look to for training, feeding, and general care. Train and groom your TS girls and they will be loyal to you.
Although this is regularly considered a fetish, many TS girls will not engage in sexual activity in a TS girl’s state of mind. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule (if sex feels natural in a TS girl’s state of mind, we encourage you to do so!), but many TS girls enter into an animal state of mind without any sexual expectation of arousal or activity.
For many TS girls, the state of mind they enter is an escape from the outside real world where they are swamped with stressful jobs and lives and need a vacation. My first experience with transgender girls was with a Mistress who would sometimes put a collar on me or put me on a lead. She would take me for walks in her large garden. When I was with her, he treated me as if I was treating a real dog. My life changed from being a sub to being a dog for transgender girls. How to Treat a Transgender Girl So your transgender girl wants you to be treated the same as a real transgender girl. Some want a sexual relationship, some don’t. That’s something you need to find out and understand. Some transgender girls don’t want that so much, rather just that side of it. Even if you like transgender girls, play it safe and always (I can’t stress this enough) attend a follow-up session. Sit down and discuss the session and get them to talk about the transgender girl and the owner. Discuss what went well and what didn’t. Always have a code word or action ready to stop things if they get beyond your tolerance.
If you want to be a transgender woman, do your research, know your boundaries, and discuss them with potential owners before you start this relationship.
Are you just getting started? Well, I hope this gave you some insight into transgender girls. If you have any questions, I’m always here for you and I’ll try to answer them as best I can. If you too are planning to step into the world of Ts girls, I hope you enjoy it and get off to a good start.