This is the second blog I am writing. This is no different. I will explain how things get lost in translation and what needs to be done. Unless you are dealing with a particularly difficult buyer/seller, it rarely gets personal, and dealing with someone else will not solve the problem. Remind yourself, or why you are here.
I am pretty forthright so I may have already mentioned this on my Escort Girl dashboard, but some members who are close to me may have heard snippets. I am an open book, but I won’t dive into the personal details of my life unless asked or if I think it is relevant. As you read through this article, I think you will understand why I mentioned this. I hope you will stay with me until the end as I make my way from house to house.
Behind the Green Eyes, I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at a young age and still live with it today. This person is part of an autistic family and is mostly anonymous. I would never use this as an excuse for anything, but this coupled with bouts of depression over the past 10-15 years and losing close friends to suicide means that I am not an autistic person. I am an easy person to talk to and often a nasty person. And the nature of my job makes me tired too! I only talk about these things because I have never taken medication for any of the above symptoms and have never hurt myself. But with the way the world is right now, I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.
This place has played a huge role in keeping me healthy and all of the positive reviews and feedback I’ve gotten here, while flattering, are all thanks to vendors I consider friends. I will post thank you posts for people I may not have communicated with but have honest feelings for. If I never stopped talking about it, it’s not because I’m a nice person, it’s because you deserve the worst.
I’m not the only one who has a problem. That’s just because you’re being yourself. When messaging buyers/sellers, you may receive an indifferent response that comes across as cold, ignorant, or arrogant. Of course, this could be a personality trait of the person messaging you, but it could also be another factor. Let me use myself as an example and go back to my autism story. Anyone who knows anything about escort girls knows that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and that it comes in many forms. You don’t necessarily know that I’m interested in escorting girls, but here’s an example from my case: I feel like I’ve been naggingly meticulous in my bio and posts. Then someone writes to me and he’s done absolutely nothing wrong, but in my opinion, he completely ignored my bio, behaved arrogantly, violated my privacy, and probably caused me anxiety attacks. What happens after that is I fight the urge to panic, afraid of regretting it later. It goes from a simple message from someone to a feeling in my head that no one cares about my well-being, only about themselves. Most people would be happy if someone took the time to message me and say hello.
None of this is an “ah” wish or a cry for help, just a reminder that not every negative experience here is necessarily a rejection of you as a person. Maybe (always with me!) someone else is struggling, doing their best, and fearing that their support network will be destroyed and they don’t know how to deal with it.
I won’t go on any further, but to all the good and honest people out there: never stop being yourself. Whether it’s someone with a completely unsound ethic or someone who may have a problem but doesn’t know it, always remember that you are part of something that helps more people than you can imagine.