Last week, we talked about how women have a lot of erogenous zones to play with a man – or a woman, but men are blessed to have them, too. This is amazing because when you think about it, there are so many ways to take your mind off things that don’t just involve oral play or quick penetration.
Like many of you ladies, many men engage in foreplay. Have you ever tried teasing her by licking her inner thigh, touching her ass, or sucking her bottom lip, as we recommended? In the first part, how do you lead a trans Escort? If you’re ready to learn more, here we are with the second part of our tips and tricks.
To stimulate his gland and make him cum, you need to follow a few steps. First, put some lube on your finger. Then slide it around his anus, and he will be turned on in seconds. If he seems like he wants more action, wait until he says his muscles are relaxed down there and insert one of your index fingers about 2 inches into his anus. Can you feel the boy’s prostate? Great, now you can curve a finger towards your partner’s stomach. Last tip: hit the prostate carefully.
This is another underrated part of the human body. Start by kissing on the shoulder and moving in the neck. Ensure you stop them from doing this before you get close to one of their ears. Switch sides; don’t just focus on one side. Does she seem like she wants to go into trans-escort mode? Awesome: Kiss one of her ears and put them in your mouth with your tongue, then gently bite them. While you’re doing this, don’t touch her anywhere.
Many guys don’t even know that their trans partners are an erogenous zone. This is where you show him what he’s been missing. Tell your client to lie on their back in bed. Move your head towards their areola and slowly lick it with an inward motion. Imagine licking an ice cream cone, but do it without your tongue tied to your trans partner. Do this until you’re as close as possible and your tongue is rubbing against the guy’s trans-associates. Carefully bite that area and see how he reacts. If he touches, do it right.
That’s all for us. Let us know in the comments below if you have any other tips and tricks on touching a man and making him like you.